3 Lesson’s I’ve learned doing a Personal Project || Tacoma Family Photographer

The thing about doing a project where you take a photo a day is that you catch a lot of moments that you wouldn't normally catch with an iPhone. I started this personal project in November as a way to grow as a photographer, but I've learned a lot more about myself as a mother in the process.   I want to share a  few lessons that have struck a chord in my heart.

1) ALLOWING MYSELF TO FOLLOW A VISION : Shooting for myself has allowed some freedom and creative license with the images I take every day.  In many ways the fear of what a client might think about my image is gone.  I don't worry about if this print will be purchased or who I am trying to impress.  I am free to use poor lighting, a quick moving subject.  I can choose a quiet candid moment, or I can create a posed portrait (so long as my subject cooperates).   I have a voice with these images.

2) I AM LEARNING WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF: Every day is new, an opportunity to challenge myself.  Some days I have an image in mind, some days I want to stop time and remember a moment.  I am acquiring an intimate knowledge of my strengths right along with my weaknesses.  I am getting better at understanding lighting, mood and movement in my images.  I have learned to be patient in waiting until the right moment to get the image I want.

3) BE PRESENT WITH MY SON: Even though I have my camera by my side nearly all the time these days, I have to remind myself to live life along with him, not just take photos of what he is doing.  There have been times where both my husband and I are BOTH taking photos of Taylor and I have to just put it away.   I'm not sure when there became this obsessive need to document, filter and post nearly every moment of our day; but I feel this tug on my heart when I wake up and realize that I am just a historian rather than a participant in Taylor's life.

 I am only three months in, there are so many stories already told.  I can't imagine what these next nine months hold.  Okay, so because I've posted over 100 +  images on my facebook page, but there are over 1000 that haven't been shared, I wanted to take a minute to show you some of the moments that are precious to me...I apologize in advance for such a long (long) post!



McVay Family || Tacoma Family Photographer


Chan Family || Tacoma Family Photographer