Aubrey | Orting High School

It was 6 years ago that I first met Aubrey, she was the cutest 12 year old I'd ever met.  I was delighted when she asked me to meet up for some Senior photos...actually I was in shock that she was already a Senior.  Am I THAT old?I am nothing but impressed by who Aubrey is, both inside and out.  This Orting High School Senior is an avid soccer player (she just survived a broken arm ~ ouch), enrolled in running start, sent herself to China this last summer to help out at an orphanage and works on top of all this.  God has such big, BIG plans for this lady...I am so blessed to be a cheerleader in her life.Make the most of your Senior year sweet Aubrey!


Trujillo Family | Buckley


PDX crew | Bremerton