Baby Abigails Adoption || Tacoma Family Photographer

The Holstrom family has waited for baby Abigail for nearly a decade.

She was born on March 21 in Federal Way, she had some health complications and was transferred to St. Joe's in Tacoma. Chris and Alyssa got the call on March 24th that little Abigail needed a Mommy & Daddy. They spent the week with little Abigail while she got healthy enough to go home.

When I got the text the morning of March 24th that they were on the way to the hospital to pick up their baby girl I about lost it. I have watched my sweet cousins struggle with having children for almost a decade. Chris & Alyssa welcomed their first son Alexander on July 18, 2010 when they signed the adoption papers. But Alyssa always knew they were not done having children. She was always confident that Abigail was out there.

I went to visit Alyssa and Abigail before they were released from St. Joe's and as I walked in I choked back tears as I watched my cousin and dear friend hold her new baby! Abigail had finally arrived!  It was nearly a year ago that we did a session in downtown Puyallup for their home study (to see it click here). I am so honored to be able to welcome Abigail to the family!

These are images from back in March, we could not share them until the adoption was final...


But today little Abigail became official! About a quarter of Pierce County was at Reman Hall today to celebrate and welcome this little girl into our lives.2014-06-06_0003.jpg2014-06-06_0002.jpg2014-06-06_0004.jpg2014-06-06_0005.jpg2014-06-06_0001.jpg2014-06-06_0006.jpg2014-06-06_0007.jpg2014-06-06_0008.jpg


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