Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.....34 years is a long time....

Oh yes..and Happy Thanksgiving!! Here is a little something for YOU! But, if you will also humor me for a minute (since its my birthday and all) I had a couple refective thoughts to share with you.Yeah, I know its super, duper self serving to have a post almost entirely devoted to my own birthday...but I supposed you could say that I wanted a chance to share some of what the Lord has done in my heart over this last year.  As you are reading this I am probably sitting over the Cle Elum with my beautiful family eating pumpkin pie and (hopefully) watching the snow fall gently to the ground.  We are healthy, happy, have the strength to tackle life's hurdles as they come.This year has not been without immense challenges, both personal and professional.  There have been moments where I have soared with confidence; and only days later feeling so defeated and afraid I want to abandoned this dream.  I tell you this not because I need words of encouragement, but to communicate that I am aware that I am not the only one who walks through dark times.  I know so many other artists (photographers, writers, painters, musicians....)  who are brave enough to share their struggle with doubt and fear, just as I do.  As I walk through the challenges and disappointments  I am, yet again, reminded that the Lord is so much bigger than my small worries.When I began to allow this passion for a photography business grow my heart my prayer was that it would be an act of worship.I've learned over, and over and over again that I need to choose to allow this business be an act of worship; if I loose site of this vision my insecurity and self-doubt begin to creep in.   And the Lord is faithful to remind me that this is all His, I am simply the vessel to do his work.This is not about "making money", its about serving, blessing and building community and relationship with those around me.So, thank you.  Thank you for joining me on this journey.  Thank you for reading.  Thank you for supporting my dream.  Thank you for your grace.  I am amazed at what I continue to learn through this process.God Bless and have an amazing holiday!! PS.  To receive the 34% discount please mention BIRTHDAY34 in an email to me.  devon@devonmichellephotogaphy.com  OR you can contact me through the "contact" section on the top of this page.ALSO.  You can email this post to a friend if you want them to get in on the 34% goodness as well.  See the little envelope at the bottom right hand of the page...?  press that and email should pop up.  I think we are onto something here :)  


Black Friday Sale


Zak | Graham-Kapowsin High School