Hawaii, Part two || Hawaii Family Photography

So earlier this week you got to see the (secret) reason why Taylor and I made the SIX HOUR flight to Hawaii, now you get to see the REST of our trip!  Most of my trip was spent getting ready for the shower which meant that Taylor spent a lot of time with Grandma & Grandpa.

Usually when people hear that we went to Hawaii they imagine beaches, luau's and fruity drinks.   Our trips do not generally look like a typical vacation, they are filled with walks in the neighborhood, grocery shopping with grandma, visits from (and to) other family members, washing the cars, finding bugs in the back yard and trips to the airport.   See, a very typical trip to visit family...except that the temperature never drops below 72 degrees and there are palm trees everywhere.  I wake up to the sounds of tropical birds and don't mind getting caught in a rain squall when I'm taking a walk in the mornings.

I love that when we are there we do the everyday, ordinary things with our family.  It helps me feel grounded...and a lot more connected.  Some of my favorite and most intimate times have been when I've been out running errands with my family in Hawaii.  I hear the stories about the people and the places that are important to them and I learn about what Shaun might have seen and experienced growing up on the Island.  There is no getting around the fact that both Taylor & Shaun share a part of an Asian culture (and an Island culture) that I will never be a part of and may never understand. I long for Taylor to have access to all those parts of him that build depth and to understand the heritage of his family because its part of who he will always be.  I feel like I owe it to him to provide access to all the richness that makes up his family.

If I have learned anything about Shaun's family its that they are deeply gracious and beautiful.  They care so much for their grandson and have welcomed me into their home, their family and their hearts.  They mean more to me than they will ever understand.


My gosh he was OBSESSED with the bugs!!  Everywhere we went he was looking for the ant, worms, flies...you name it he was hunting for it!


And he was golfing....everyday!  You know...private lessons from Aunty Shelcie.


Walks with Grandpa....so many walks with Grandpa.


When it was raining, we stayed inside and rested up!



So we survived our flights and our trips and we LOVED every minute we were able to spend time with our Hawaii family!! Aloha everyone!



Emily & Luke || Tacoma Film Photographer


Shelcie's Bridal Tea Party || Hawaii Bridal Shower