Little Bug | At Home

Here is the hard part...trying to put into words what a million little moments strung together mean to me.  I'm posting about my own baby boy today.In the last month my heart has broken again and again for family's around me that have lost children.  Some are families I know, some are families that I've only heard about. I read their story and I am in tears ~ literally sobbing ~ as I read about their loss. I feel God working deep in my soul to do something...anything to not allow memories of ones loved be forgotten.  If I had to think of a way to describe it I would choose HISTORIAN. But I am getting away from today's thoughts. Historian will have to be another day, another post. Soon.I'm not sure how I started calling Taylor "Little Bug" ~ but it seems to have stuck.  I am amazed by how much personality emerges each day. He is observant...obsessively observant.  And impulsive, throwing, banging, yelling - he does all these things well.  He jabbers a lot, but does not have any actual words or names for things yet.  I'm obsessed with those little hands and feet ~ excited to see how God will use them for His kingdom one day.I couldn't even begin to imagine if Taylor was no longer with me...I am so blessed with the moments I do have with him.  I want to remember him just as he is.  As a photographer I feel compelled to get the "perfect" shot...I compare all my images to other, often more talented, photographers  and I often don't measure up.  BUT I am reminded that I am not here to capture the perfect image, but to tell the story.  To put together the moments that help the viewer to step back and see the bigger picture the life of a family, or of an individual.  Today is a small part of Taylor's everyday story.  These aren't the picture perfect images but these are the real ones ~ the messy, dirty, imperfect moments of our days together.If I could harness and bottle that laughter I would.  A million times over I would....


Charles | Emerald Ridge High School Class of 2013


Trujillo Family | Buckley