Taylor Turns Four

I don't think you are ever ready for a baby, but they come and your heart is changed. I know I wasn't ready for Taylor.

This last year Taylor ceased to be a baby, or even a toddler, but is  now a little boy.  He has thoughts and opinions and is silly and loves to wrestle and build, he loves his friends and can't wait to hang out with them. Just yesterday he told his daddy to "drive safe and don't get lost" as he left to go to work.  I remember looking down at him when he was so tiny wondering what he would be like as he grows; what his personality would be. Like any mother, all I want is the best for him.  I see him struggling and my heart breaks.  At the same time, I know that he needs struggles, and he'll come out the other side a whole person.

I still have days where I wonder what he will be like as teenager and as an adult. But I know we will get there soon enough. For now, I will celebrate this kind, bossy, affectionate, curious little boy as he turns four.

Happy birthday little bug.  Mommy loves you so much.

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