Thanksgiving || Tacoma Family Photographer

I know that I've mentioned it before...but I go into his room every night to give him a final kiss on his cheek.  I whisper "I love you" into his ear and I pause, just for a second, to realize how quickly he is growing.  The other night he fell asleep in my arms; he hasn't done that since he was an infant.  And, although he tells me that he's "not a baby" anymore, he will always be mine.

Today I stop, and a take a breath, and I appreciate all that the Lord has blessed me with.  There is nothing in this world that I need.  I think about how the Lord has provided for me to stay home and care for my son; when there are many other mothers who don't have that luxury.   I have a refrigerator full of food and a stable house and a family that is there for me.  I don't need anything.  I start to feel silly for fussing over the crack in the windshield of my car or that my son knocked over his apple juice.  My greatest gift is those around me.  My family, my husband, my son, my friends and my community. And today, I celebrate with a THANKFUL heart.May you be blessed today friends. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Ryan & Melissa || Tacoma Family Photography


Jenson Family || Lake Tapps Family Photographer