Thoughts on mommy-hood

I've been a mommy for almost 18 month now.  18 months.  Some people slide into motherhood so very gracefully, I seem to be stumbling into it like a sailor whose had a little to much to drink (sometimes I sound like it as well).  Something about living with a little caveman makes communicating by grunting and pointing  seem "normal", my friends give me strange looks when I start grunting and pointing to the salt at dinnertime.  oops. I always said I started my photography business because I wanted to be a stay at home mom...that's still my dream.  We just aren't there yet.  Growing a business along side growing a kid is so much more challenging than I ever thought. Please don't take this as complaining, I love my sweet baby boy.  I lay aside my selfish desires to stare at the computer all day and edit, blog or drool over other photographers work (I, so productive, right?).  Instead my days home with Taylor are spent covered in peanut butter, drool and spilled milk.  Taylor has this habit of swiping e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g onto the floor at any mealtime; this results in both of needing a shower three times a day. Having a photography business you'd think that I would always be taking photos of my kid, d300 perma-strapped to my neck.  SO not true.  87% of the images taken of Taylor are with my iphone.  Then promptly uploaded to instagram (@devonmichelle ~ shameless plug) .  In fact, the images below are from my phone.  Gah. While I am typing this he is waking up.  jumping up and down in his crib...talking to himself..."da, da, da, dadadada".  It eventually slides into all out whiny and I must sign off for today.  Thanks for sharing these moments with me.


Kelley | 2012 Spanaway Graduate (WWU Freshman)


Aspen | GPHS class of 2013