Amanda|| Tacoma Senior Photographer

"We always held to the hope, the believe, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon" ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

Thats about how my session went with Amanda ~ I enjoyed getting to know her witty personality and quick smile.  Senior year is full of sweet anticipation, it bubbles over onto everything seniors do.  There is a hope that is infectious, even if they don't know what the next steps in the journey hold. Believe it or not I feel like this time of not knowing is the best time in the world ~ before life gets so predictable and busy with the responsibility of a job and a house and a family.  There are times when I want to sit down with my Seniors, wrap my arm around them and gently remind them that the best is yet to come in the days ahead.

God Bless you in your Senior Year Amanda! Soak in every moment possible ~



Carly || Tacoma Film Photographer


Aaron & Rachel || Tacoma Family Photographer