From Toddler to Little Boy || Tacoma Family Photographer

I knew this day would come, in fact, everyone warned me about it. Someone asked me how old Taylor was today...and I tried to say he was a toddler, but it didn't fit anymore. He is a little boy.

I don't know how, or when but he has grown up. Found his voice and is using it regularly. He is climbing into his own car seat , walking to Starbucks and asking for more juice {please}. I know time only speeds up from here. But today, this rainy Friday, we decided to stop time and spend a morning at the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma as a family. Taylor knew all the sounds the animals made and tried to call them so he could talk to them. We watched his eyes widen when he saw the Tiger and held his little trembling body when he got scared of the sharks. I feel like our hearts are so full of memories over these last three years, I can hardly believe that we still have a lifetime to create more. I want to savor what we have now; and allow that delicious anticipation of what is to come.

The growing up doesn't stop, does it...?



Ashley || Tacoma Film Photographer


Robert & Beverly || Tacoma Family Photographer