Knutson Family | Puyallup

Want to hear something funny?  Jackie and I went to high school together...and I sat behind Tim's brother in English class in middle school.  It seems serendipitous** that we now all attend the same church...and I know them a little better.  When we did these family photos it was one of the hottest days of the summer and here I was asking them to snuggle in close ~ can you imagine how sticky that was?  But they were good sports about it.

On a more serious note, I was so glad that Jackie gave me a call to do family photos.  She is someone who I have admired for a long time; there is a strength and a dignity that she carries with her every day.  She lives with integrity and she loves with her whole heart.  I realize that this is kind of a "Jackie love fest" but can you blame me?

Thank you for inviting me into this corner of your life ~ I am truly blessed and honored to have this opportunity.

** confession: I had to spell check serendipitous. No shame in it.



5 years ago today | Takenouchi Wedding


Faith Journey