Made to Create Indoor Natural Light

December was erie quiet on the blog.  Quiet not because I wasn't working, but more because I was focusing on family and slowing down.  It was worth it to me to create memories with friends, family and most importantly my boys Shaun & Taylor.

This last year held so many amazing things for me, both professionally and personally and I feel more confident walking into 2016 declaring myself as a family photographer, teacher at Made to Create , and as someone who's hearts desire is to build healthy, authentic relationships in my artist community.  A couple of months ago we started to gear up again for our 2016 Made to Create retreat with some significant changes; all of which I am so excited about.  This last year we have worked so intentionally to hold monthly classes (the Basic's Series) and hold quarterly coffee nights.  My relational heart has been filled to the top with how this community has come together and I have a feeling that 2016 will only further these budding relationships.

These images came from our Basics Indoor Natural Light class back in June 2015. I love seeing the smiles!  There were moments throughout the day where things started to "click" for our attendee's.  I could sense the excitement with learning a new skill; in the following months I started to see how their photography changed and began to get more confident after they attended a class.

The thing about teaching that it has made me a more confident photographer.  I've had to put into words skills that I kind of knew, and when I did that I really started to utilize these skills with my clients.  I was creating the images I wanted on purpose, not just creating happy accidents. This never made me any kind of expert in any way...believe me, for every class we put together I ended up googling so much information. But after having to teach different skills I wanted to go out and use them! I was excited to use the skills that I took away from the Basics Classes!

SO as I look ahead to 2016 I am filled with much anticipation and joy at what lies ahead.  If you are at all curious about Made to Create please head over to the website, Facebook page or Instagram (@madetocreatepnw) to see whats going on.  Registration for our 2016 retreat is open here.  I hope to meet some new faces there this coming March!

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Rushane Family


Johnson Family