Taylors Daddy || Tacoma Family Photographer

If you would have told me that I would meet the father of my son in Tacoma I would have never believed you. I thought for sure my future belonged in Bellingham. But God had other plans when he called me home, out of Bellingham and back to Tacoma. It was in Tacoma that I met Shaun, the quiet, steady Middle School Teacher and Youth Pastor.  We started out both serving the Middle School Youth at our church, but my cousin Chris had other ideas of getting us together.

In July 2008 Shaun and I were married, we shared three blissfully quiet years until Taylor made us parents.

When our sweet Taylor arrived we learned that marriage (and parenthood) is a whole different ball game. Through it all, I have watched Shaun step up as a father, and as a husband.  I never understood the pressure men feel to provide and protect their family until I saw Shaun rise to the challenge.   This last year he gave me the greatest gift...taking our family on a faith journey, having me stay home with our son and pursing my dream of photography.  This did not come without a cost, Shaun is in school (just finishing up, actually) and he has been working full time while completing his internship.   Two years ago he felt the Lord tug on his heart to get his administrative credentials, and he was faithful to listen to the Lords voice.  He has worked so hard to make sure his family is taken care of, and I have SO much respect for all that he has accomplished in these last several years.  He is establishing such an amazing legacy of Godly fatherhood, work ethic and fun for Taylor; I am so proud of Shaun.

I'm not saying that we get it right all the time, remember, we had never been parents before, but we are learning. And I can't think of a better Daddy for Taylor.  Happy Fathers day my Love ~ you deserve to be celebrated today!

Deuteronomy 6:6-9Always remember these commands I give you today. Teach them to your children, and talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. Tie them on your forehead to remind you, and write them on your doors and gates.



Graham Kapowsin High School Prom || Tacoma Senior Photographer


Caitlin || Tacoma Film Photographer